U-TuRN Engaged Scholar Presentations
We are excited to share the plans and schedule for the upcoming set of Engaged Scholar sessions. Based on the strong interest within the network (and across campus), the focus of these sessions will be on community engagement. The sessions will come from an array of disciplines and topics and will include perspectives from both researchers and community partners. Recriprocal partnerships are central to transdisciplinary research and the translation of evidence-based programming so come to learn about best practices for forming effective community partnerships. If you are interested in joining our evolving ‘Community Engaged Collective’, please send an email to uturn@iastate.edu and we will add you to this group. The Engaged Scholar sessions will be a great connector for U-TuRN so come out to learn, connect and share. The listing below summarizes the sessions for the Fall.
Check the website for details and Zoom information if you can’t attend at the Union.
October Engaged Scholar Presentation:
Dr. Katie Richardson Bruna, Professor, Multicultural Education
“What Does ‘Community’ Mean in ‘Community-Based Programming?’: The Urban Ecosystem Project and Informal Science Learning in Neighborhood Spaces”
October 28th, 4:00 – 5:00pm in 3512 Memorial Union.
November Engaged Scholar Presentation:
Dr. Constance Beecher, Assistant Professor, Literacy Education
November 11th, 4:00-5:00pm, Location: TBA
December Engaged Scholar Presentation:
Dr. Laura Merrick, Assistant Teaching Professor, Agronomy
December 2nd, Time: TBA, Location: TBA
Please check the website for up-to-date times, titles, and places for all Engaged Scholar presentations.
Implementation Science Connector
If you are interested in translational research, we encourage you to look into the following Implementation Science Webinar hosted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences (DCCPS) Implementation Science (IS) Team. This fall, the series is focused on strategies for submitting competitive grants in IS research. If you haven’t already searched the IS page, it also has links to previously funded applications (see the DCCPS Sample Grant repository). In October, researchers with past success in IS applications will be sharing insights from their projects. In November, past chairs of the Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (DIRH) Study Section will share insights gleaned from their collective leadership of the review committee. See the Implementation Science website for additional details. If you are interested in joining our ‘Implementation Science’ learning group, please email us at uturn@iastate.edu. We are planning regular meetings to share ideas and we will likely host viewing parties for these sessions so we can learn together.
Communicating our Work
In the Spring, ISU hosted a provocative session on the ‘Alan Alda Communication Method’ to introduce ideas for more effective strategies for scientific communication. We all know that it is hard to ‘translate’ the complexities of our research in ways that people can understand (and that is interesting to lay audiences), but a related challenge we face in U-TuRN is to ‘translate’ research in ways that allow it to work in practice. At the session, they played a clip by Alan Alda where he makes a rather provocative statement “Why can’t we train scientists to be good communicators? Science would benefit, funding would be better….. Everything would improve!” This highlights the need, so how can we get better at communicating it?
One way is to take the initiative to prepare an article for the new outlet called ‘The Conversation’ that many of you have been hearing about on campus. There are sessions coming up on October 16 and 17 so check the VPR page for details. If you are interested in preparing a paper for The Conversation, please let us know and we can try to facilitate the connection. Please send us an email at uturn@iastate.edu.
Be on the lookout for a Qualtrics Survey
We will be sending out a Qualtrics survey for current U-TuRN network members to get some updates about current project, as well as get some insight about how U-TuRN can engage and support you going forward. Please take some time to briefly fill this out so we can get a better idea of your expectations and needs. If you have any questions, please send us an email at uturn@iastate.edu.
Additionally, if you are interested in joining in:
From Implementation Science Webinars
Crossing the Finish Line of Grant Submission: R’s from the perspectives of the PI’s
Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 3:00 – 4:00pm ET
Join us for our next Implementation Science Webinar co-hosted by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Division of Cancer Control & Population Sciences (DCCPS) Behavioral Research Program (BRP) and the Implementation Science (IS) Team.
Register at: https://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/IS/training-education/details.aspx?ID=72
From Campus Compact Iowa
Oct. 16 – Preparing Students for Primaries and Caucuses, Zoom web conference
Oct. 26 – Student-Ready Campus Summit, Twin Cities, MN
Nov. 8-9 – Civic Action Academy, University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, IA
From Share Public Health
A new podcast from the Midwestern Public Health Training Center.
Our new weekly podcast connects you to public health topics, issues, and colleagues throughout our region and the country, highlighting that we all share in public health. Our first few episodes explore mental health through the lens of schools, public safety, and business. Later this month, we’ll start a mini-series of interviews with public health leaders from across the country, and we’ll kick of 2020 with a ten-part series on health equity.
Subscribe here: https://anchor.fm/mphtc/
ubscribe No
Website Testers Needed
We are working on a way in which individuals could edit and update their own U-TuRN webpages with their own url and could use it as a main webpage for their project. If you are interested in helping us test out this feature, please e-mail Craig Van Pay at cvanpay@iastate.edu